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The Centre for Development Practice in keeping with Ambedkar University Delhi’s (AUD) vision of engaged social sciences, offers an action research MPhil in Development Practice with the School of Human Studies, School of Development Studies and PRADAN. This MPhil is premised on a one year immersion (not field work) in rural contexts. It was in this programme that the action researcher, Swarnima Kriti, immersed in Dhamtari, Chhattisgarh in January, 2017 developed her transformative axis with young women and men as they worked through questions of pani ke samasya in the village to pani lane ki samasya (‘who carries water’ – the man or the woman?). The transformative axis of gender and labor has over the last 3 years widened to include questions of ecology and adivasiyat and has led to the formation of Chinhari: The Young India. This collective of young women (age-group 09-28) has been working towards creating non-identity based ecosensitive commons. Anubha Sinha and Vijeta have been a constant support in this work.

We got published:
Read about Chinhari work
during Covid-19's difficult phase.
Chinhari: Strengthening Relationships, Finding Hope
In the Youth Volume of
Extraordinary Work of 'Ordinary' People
Chinhari: Creating new writers from rural adivasi belts of central India
Our Latest Publications
Kriti, S. (2021, July 30). Engaging with the Pandemic: Hope and Despair in five villages of Chhattisgarh. Vikalp Sangam.
Kriti, S. (2021, August 2). Engaging with the Pandemic: Hope and Despair in five villages of Chhattisgarh. Centre for Financial Accountability.
Kriti, S. (2021). Chinhari: Strengthening Relationships, Finding Hope. Extraordinary Work of ‘Ordinary’ People Series, 5, 6-8.
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