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Sexual Division of Labour: Workshop II

The second workshop on sexual division of labour was conducted by Swarnima Kriti. The young women were requested to create a still picture representing their household early in the morning (when cooking starts) and late in the evening (after dinner). These stills were based on the experiences of the (young) women. Once they created the picture they were asked if they agreed with the work division represented in the picture. If not, how would they prefer to change the it? What should the new picture look like?

An early morning scene in village Dokal: The three women in the house are working (cooking, brooming and fetching water). The child is reading and the men are still waking up. The picture represents a common household in the village around 6 o'clock in the morning. However, the visual did not appeal the young women. Women started work early in the morning whereas, men woke up later. The young women thus, created an image that appealed them.

The (young) women made changes in the picture such that both men in the house (identified by cloth tied on the head) were up and working. As the work got divided among men and women, the burden on women reduced such that one of them could now teach the child at home.

An early morning scene in the village Mardapoti: The two older women are washing utensils and sweeping the house. The girl child is fetching water and the men are sleeping.

A scene late in the night (around 8 at night): The two women are washing utensils. The two men and the boy child watch television.

Changed made in the picture are such that the women continue to wash the utensils. On the other hand, among men (who were earlier watching television) one, fetches water to wash utensils and the other folds the washed clothes. Lastly, the boy-child studies.

The workshop highlighted alternative practices of life that Chinhari aims to work for/towards.

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